Every family has a cache of stories involving their children and the surprises that issue forth from their sweet little mouths. I was reminded of this the other day when my children got into an argument as they played in the pool. My oldest daughter was trying to grab hold of the little one who shouted, "Leave me alone. You know I have issues!" I could only shake my head and tell myself, "I've got to stop letting them watch Oprah."
Here's another story from my own childhood. It was Sunday afternoon. Church had let out and everyone including the preacher was gathered at my Mamaw Johnson's dinner table for a feast of fried chicken, roast beef and a truly impressive array of vegetables, breads, and pickles. My mother, being a good mom, was encouraging me to eat my English peas. And I, being a three-year-old, naturally didn't want them. The battle was on. I don't know how long we argued, but finally I had enough. All conversation halted when the angelic toddler in the sweet pink dress shouted, "I don't WANT any damn peas." I'm sure it was nothing worse than the reverend had encountered before, but I KNOW my grandparents and mother were mortified. The story got told and retold until it became a family legend.
I'm sure you have at least one good story to share, so let's hear it.
that is HILARIOUS! One of my faves growing up was when my brother (as a small child) got into some serious trouble and my mother was very angry and scolding him and said 'Who do you think you are?' His innocent reply was, "I am a child of God." Haha - try punishing a child after a line like that!
Fun theme, hope to hear more!
Awww! That's so sweet. Thanks for sharing.
i have 5 children, ages 3,4,5,6 and 8.. we were at dennys the other day (yes kids eat free) and my three yr old said to the waiter.." you dont have very many teeth.." the waiter said "what?" and then Luke repeated himself about 3 times until he was sure the waiter heard him! AND THEN..he pointed to my six yr old and said "neither does she" and the waiter said"yep but mine wont grow back!" aaaaahhhhhhhhhh wanna get away.ding.
Sweet2BMe Boutique
Too cute! My parents never shared my first swear with me (they should have a page for that in baby books!), but that's such a cute story.
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